Your Health

In 1948 the NHS became the first healthcare system in the world to offer free healthcare to its citizens. Something revolutionary.

Prior to that people had to pay to see a G.P. and many of the poorer in society devised natural remedies to ward off everyday health niggles. Many of these remedies stand scrutiny today but our preference for convenience has led us to popping into the chemist or seeking out a G.P. for a quick fix that does not look at the source of the problem. Below you will find a list of natural home remedies that can help with common ailments followed by a list of complementary therapies that you can use to help with a range of physical and emotional issues. They can also be used as part of your on-going wellness regime. 

Natural Home Remedies


Below is a list of natural home remedies that can help with common ailments. This menu of ideas will build over time. We are always keen to hear from members of the public with tips of their own. Please check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any medications or if you are pregnant before using any natural remedies. You can also seek general advice from your local health food shop. 

The A-Z has been kindly provided by Suzie Hames and John Buxton from Ryecorn Wholefoods in Brighouse. They tell us “We have been running a health food shop for over 30 years and throughout this time we have picked up, studied, observed and tried for ourselves many of nature’s simple remedies. Such simple remedies can be your go to – a health toolkit – for prevention or for instant and soothing relief, supporting your through a minor condition. Such remedies may stop you reaching for over-the-counter medication, getting you back in touch with nature’s gifts of wellness. You will find most of these remedies at your local health food shop or even in your garden. Eventually you will have a space in your cupboard or pocket of your bag where you can confidently reach for these little treasures of health with success and confidence. The more you use these remedies and feel their benefit, the more you will believe and trust in them. Life is simple of we let it be. Nature has all the answers, we are sure.”

Product Description Form
Arnica Heals bruising; use after injury; take before surgery Tablet, cream or gel
Aloe Vera Treats skin problems, burns, wounds; soothes internal gut inflammation Capsules, juice or skin gel
Bergamot Oil Essential oil that helps to revive but calm depression and stress Use in an oil burner or bath
Bryonia Homeopathic remedy to help  heal deep cough; excellent for children Homeopathic tablet
Cranberry Treats urinary tract infections; could help with aerobic performance Pure juice, tablet or tea
Vitamin C Boosts the immune system and helps body absorb iron, to name but a few; can reduce infection time within the body Tablet, powder, spray or liquid
Dandelion Diuretic; stimulates appetite and helps digestion Tablet, tea or tincture
D-mannose Makes your liver work better; use for urinary infections, as a preventative Powder or tablet
Echinacea Boost immune system; anti-viral; contains chemicals that help the body create white blood cells Tincture, tablet or tea
Elderflower Helps sinusitis, colds, flu and bronchitis Tea, tincture or syrup
Fennel Great to use for bloating and to ease digestion Oil or tea or steep the seeds to drink
Frankincense Essential oil for deep relaxation; used to open the respiratory system; soothes wrinkled skin Essential oil to breathe in or bathe in
Ginger Traditionally used to treat nausea; can be relevant in pain management; full of anti-oxidants Fresh and dried, essential oil, tablet or tea
Garlic A wonder food with so many properties. Fighting infection being top of the list along with heart health Food or capsules
Hawthorn Could be used to help lower blood pressure and improve circulation Tea, tincture or capsule
Horse Chestnut Helps improve varicose veins and haemorrhoids; high anti-inflammatory properties Leg cream, tincture or tablet
Iodine Sea kelp, sea moss and seaweed foods; boosts thyroid function Tablet, drops or iodine rich foods
Iron Used for immune support; haemoglobin production; to fight fatigue to name a few Tablet or liquid tonic. Opt for gentle iron.
Juniper Berries Can be eaten to help with arthritis because of their diuretic properties Berries can be eaten in small amounts
Jasmine Oil Reduces inflammation; reduces stress; eases muscle pain; great for helping you sleep Use in a massage blend or in the bath
Kefir A  food that contains probiotics, rich in vitamins and mineral; good for blood sugar control and gut health Grain to make your own, milk or yoghurt
Kali Phos Relieves symptoms of stress; occasional headaches and nervous tension Homeopathic tablet or tissue salts
Lavender An absolute essential oil for everything. Numerous benefits, widely observed to help sleep and relaxation Oil or tea
Lemon Balm From  the mint family, a herb to help reduce anxiety, promote sleep and ease digestion pain  Tea, tablet or essential oil (melissa)
Manuka Honey A New Zealand honey with anti-inflammatory properties; cough relief; ulcer healing and wound healing Honey or lozenge
Mag Phos A tissue salt to use for leg cramps and restless legs Tissue salt tablet
Neem Facilitates wound healing; soothes acne outbreaks; promotes moisture retention within the skin Oil or cream
Nettle Anti-inflammatory; high in antioxidants; supports adrenals; rich in vitamin K, iron and bone minerals Tea or tincture
Oregano Can help coughs; can fight against certain bacteria and viruses; could help wound healing Oil or capsule
Oak Bach flower remedy for the emotional support of someone trying to overcome illness Bach flower remedy
Peppermint May ease digestive issues; relieve tension headaches; relieve clogged sinuses to name but a few Tea, essential oil or capsule
Pearl Barley Great anti-inflammatory agent for the urinary system. Make barley water by boiling the barley and drinking the water Pearl barley grain
Quercetin A plant pigment found in green tea, apples and berries; could help prevent heart disease and boost immune system Within green tea and food or as a capsule
Rescue Remedy Combination of flower essences. Perfect for anxiety, fear and emotional trauma; use before a flight or an exam to calm Drops, skin cream or pastilles
Rooibos Caffeine-free tea, boosts the heart, improves cholesterol; rich in anti-oxidants Loose leaf tea or teabags
St John’s Wort Can help with nerve pain such as shingles; anxiety; sleep issues and mild depression. Often called the sunshine herb Tea, tincture or tablet
Selenium Could help with brain function; thyroid health; immune system. Found in some foods Tablet or foods such as brazil nuts and eggs
Tea Tree Oil with amazing benefits.  Cuts; insect bites; antiseptic properties; acne healing; athlete’s foot. Too many to
Essential oil, cream or shampoo
Thuja Remedy to help with treating warts Homeopathic tablet
Uva Ursi A herbal remedy that helps reduce inflammation and fight infection. Popular use to treat urinary infections Herbal remedy
Vetiver Essential oil beneficial for depression; insomnia; anxiety and for protection in difficult situations. Seems to strengthen the aura Essential oil
Valerian Pungent herb which is excellent for sleep issues; PMS; headaches; nervous tension and restlessness Tincture, capsule or tea
Water Obvious but essential to prevent constipation; aid digestion; flush out bacteria and carry nutrients to your cells From the tap, bottled, filtered
Witch Hazel May reduce swelling; heal the skin. Helps with minor skin problems, acne and shrink haemorrhoids Liquid or cream
Xylitol A sugar alternative made from the birch tree. Useful for a pre-diabetic and diabetic diets and  for anyone cutting out sugar Sugar-like granules
Ylang Ylang A fragrant essential oil used to reduce stress; boost skin health and also helpful as an aphrodisiac Essential oil
Yeast Nutritional yeast food source, added to food to boost vitamin B12 content; could help with sleep; high in protein with vitamin content Savoury food flakes
Zinc A nutrient needed for our immune system and metabolism; wound healing; improve acne; heal mucous membranes Tablet, lozenge or from food
ZZZZZZZ So obvious but often over-looked. The benefits of sleep are endless. Use above remedies to help. Seek advice for support Certain teas, essential oils, herbs, magnesium etc

Complementary Therapies



Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body for minutes at a time to target both physical painful hotspots and/or improve emotional and mental wellbeing. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe the human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by pathways or meridians. Disruption of the energy flow can cause disease which the application of acupuncture points can rebalance. More recently, acupuncture has been embraced by the NHS as an effective treatment for a range of physical pains.


Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants for healing.  It has been used for centuries. The molecules in the essential oils stimulate the olfactory system (part of the brain connected to smell). In this way, essential oils can have a subtle yet holistic effect on the body, with different aromas effecting varying reactions. Absorption can be by direct smell or by massage.


The ancient Indian Ayurveda translates to ‘knowledge of life’ and is based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person’s life. Ayurveda techniques include dietary and lifestyle changes and herbal medicines (including combination with metals, minerals or gems).  Balancing herbs is a delicate practice so always choose a trained and qualified practitioner first via the Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA).

Breathing Techniques

Few people breathe correctly, yet good breathing nourishes your physical body by oxygenating your cells, promoting healing and boosting your immune systems.  Simultaneously it calms your mind, enabling you to tap into a state of relaxation and sleep. Your breath should be smooth, steady and controlled and your abdomen should expand on your inhalation and contract on the exhalation. Most people need to slow the whole process down, something we can forget to do in our busy, action-oriented daily lives.  Breathwork is a personal practice with progress building over time.  For some people the discipline of a breathing class, either in a group or on a one-to-one basis with a practitioner optimises technique methods and commitment to improvement. 

Energy Healing

Energy healing works on the principle that we as humans are a frequency and that by tapping into methods that balance our vibrational energy we ensure optimum physical and mental health.  Too much stress in whatever form, throws out our bodily system resulting in a lowered immune system enabling disease to creep in. The main forms of energy healing are Reiki (by a practitioner applying the palms of their hands or through distance meditation); Crystals (which vibrate their own energy frequency) and Tai Chi (a martial arts form of stretching exercises which improves balance and flexibility and overall is called ‘motion meditation’ as it promotes serenity within).


Grounding, (also called Earthing) is a simple technique that involves doing activities that ‘ground’ or electrically reconnect you to the earth which realigns and balances your body’s electrical energy. Walking barefoot on the earth or a beach, lying on the ground or using grounding mats or sheets are all ways to ground or earth your body. Grounding can help with fatigue, pain and sleep.


Homeopathy is based on a series of ideas developed in the 1790s by a German doctor called Samuel Hahnemann. A central principle is that ‘like cures like’- i.e. a substance that causes certain symptoms can, diluted down with water, also help to remove these symptoms. Homeopathy is used for a wide variety of conditions, both physical and psychological.  In 2017 the NHS recommended that homeopathy not be widely available and is now usually practised privately.


Hypnosis comes from the Greek word ‘hypnos’, meaning sleep, with the difference being that under hypnosis you are fully aware of what is going on. It works by detaching you from your ingrained everyday self-limiting beliefs that have grown since childhood and  instead penetrates to your deeper awareness. Some people fall into hypnosis more easily than others but for everyone, by accessing subconscious areas of your mind, under the guide of a qualified hypnotherapist, you can pinpoint what patterns of thinking you can break which can transform both physical and mental health.

Lymphatic Drainage

Regular physical exercise is a great way to get your lymphatic system pumping and detoxing your system of waste.  Manual lymphatic drainage can be used following medical treatment or illness that blocks your lymphatic system causing isolated swelling.  A qualified practitioner can gently massage the affected areas and kick-start the resumption of natural drainage.


There are many types of massage that can be used to ease pain and tension and/or to bring a feeling of relaxation to your mind and body. These include Swedish massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Thai Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Sports Massage. The choice of massage will depend on the reason for your massage and your personal preference (as some massages are gentler than others). During a massage a trained therapist will apply gentle or firmer pressure to the muscles and joints of your body.


There are many ways to meditate and they all help to quieten your mind and body, giving you time to pause and breathe.  Guided Meditation is a spoken instructional meditation with peaceful sounds to help calm the mind’s chatter. Mindfulness Meditation is another technique where you pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. Mantra Meditation is another form of meditation which uses a repetitive sound to clear your mind. It can be a word, phrase or sound, such as ‘Om’.  

Muscle Response Testing (Kinesiology)

Muscle Response Testing (or Applied Kinesiology) is a means of assessing imbalances in the body by a practitioner applying hand pressure on various muscle groups and assessing their strength or weakness.


Good nutrition is the basis of a healthy body and mind.  Processed foods, which many of us consume on a daily basis, are nutritionally empty and can cause health problems from the additives and other unnatural added ingredients. Just like with medicines, no two bodies are the same and whilst certain foods are deemed to be of a health benefit, for a certain few they can cause issues such as IBS, arthritic pain, allergies and even depression.  By working with a nutritionist to pinpoint what it is in your diet that is causing you problems, an alternative personal diet plan can be designed.


Qigong, pronounced ‘chi gong’ was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine.  It  is a system of co-ordinated body-posture and movement, breathing and meditation that is used for the purposes of health, spirituality and martial arts training.


Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, involves the application of pressure to specific points predominantly on the feet but it can also be used on the ears and hands. Applying pressure to the reflex points on the feet relaxes the body and improves well-being. Reflexology is a gentle therapy that encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance. 

Sound Bath

A sound bath is a meditative practice involving the use of resonant music.  Uses crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs, hand pans and other musical instruments to create stable soundwaves. Humans are a frequency and the sound bath creates an immersive sound that fills the room and the body, aiming to help people relax and let go of stress, anxiety and blocked emotions.


This page is not providing medical advice. All health and health-related information contained within these posts is intended to be general in nature and for information and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional health advice, diagnosis or treatment or a professional’s independent medical judgement.