Meet the Team
Creating Health for All (CHFA) is a group of volunteers who came together in the summer of 2022, inspired by The People’s Health Alliance (PHA) to find new ways for community health support. We are a committed range of people from the worlds of trained health practitioners, holistic therapists, health and safety experts, marketing/PR experts, business owners, administrators and members of the public.
We are headed by three Directors – Ailsa, Maxine and Jill……..

Dr Ailsa Care MBChB MRCGP
Dr Ailsa Care practiced as an NHS GP for almost 30 years. She saw first-hand the exponential rise in lifestyle-related diseases and started to question why and to look at alternative ways of managing chronic ill-health.
Following her own health challenges she worked with an environmental medicine practitioner which opened her eyes to a different way of thinking about our health. Ailsa realised that looking for the root cause of ill-health rather than prescribing medication for each symptom proved more successful for her and this ignited a desire to learn more about this way of practicing so that she could better help her patients.
Ailsa has trained with the British Society of Ecological Medicine and Institute of Functional Medicine and has been working in this field since 2015. Her passion is helping people to see alternative ways to manage health issues by learning how the basics of their body works, what it needs more of and what it needs less of to work optimally.
Ailsa is excited to be working alongside our amazing team of volunteers and practitioners to achieve our vision of a local population that is healthier physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Maxine Stead PhD
Maxine Stead owns Alexandra House Spa in Birkby, Huddersfield and has a PhD in ovarian cancer where she researched quality of life issues. With over 30 years’ experience of health and well-being, Maxine is passionate about helping people to understand how they have the ability to create wellness and health long into old age. Maxine trained as a scientist and worked in academic cancer research before setting up the spa in 2007. A subsequent radical career change propelled her into a completely new way of being and sparked a deep interest in spirituality and holistic health which opened her eyes to a different way of understanding the basis of health and well-being.
Over the years, Maxine formed a new understanding of the role of emotions and beliefs on our physical health. Combined with her knowledge of the human body she began to understand how we can consciously create good health and wellness without being a victim of our past, or our genes, and often without the need for pharmaceutical intervention.
Maxine is delighted to be part of Creating Health for All and to helping you create a long, healthy and happy life.

Jill Wood BEd (Hons) NPQH
Jill is a retired primary school headteacher living in Brighouse. She has always been motivated to help people and when the opportunity arose to get involved with a community interest group – Creating Health for All – she seized the chance with enthusiasm.
For years, Jill has recognised that we have had to cope with additives to our water, our food and the air we breathe and with the anxiety and fear that can pervade our lives from social media and the news.
Creating Health for All is focussed on reminding every person of what else they can explore rather than always going to their GP.
Jill has been a public servant for the majority of her working life and as a Director of Creating Health for All she looks forward to helping you find a new way forward which will give you more control of your health and also remind you how powerful we all can be at healing ourselves.